More General Information

Study Master's Purpose: Created in 2022, Study Master aims to provide a stable site for simple game play. Home to 17 (and counting) games, the website boasts a variety of games of several types including strategy, chance, skill, and others. The primary objective is to compile games for general usage. Study Master thanks all contributors, as this would not be possible without those people, groups, and private entities.

Information Regarding Usage Parameters: Study Master works best on computer (laptop/desktop) devices. Internet may be required to access nested sites and games.

Information Regarding Game Creation: Some Study Master games are inspired by similar or close-to-indentical earlier models. Lines of code may be duplicated from external sources. No portion of this code is used for economic or financial benefit. Study Master does not profit from this usage.

Information Regarding Data Collection: Some Study Master pages may collect cookies; this is for the sole use of saving progress on games. No data is sold, knowingly viewed, or distributed by the website, its partners, or anyone else.

Last Updated: 10/21/24
